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Smile Slide Show (Mouse over Names)

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Cosmetic and Repairitory Dental

Check up today for this fantastic journey to a more confident and happy smile thru Cosmetic and Repairitory Dental. The names of the patients have been changed for confidental reasons and to protect the smilers! What can we do for you?

Patient G (5 days)

Patient GProtrait in Renton after Cosmetic and Repairitory Dental Work

Patient D (5 days)

NotieBorn just outside of town, Oceana W. Va. This is Notie with a wonderful smile at the young age of 82. She now lives near Johnson City Tennessee.

Sarah Princess of Alexandria (2 days)

Patient ISarah, afraid to smile, but after 2 days of dental works has a beautiful smile.

Le Ann (2 days)

LeAnnLe Ann, afraid to smile, but after 2 days of dental works has a beautiful smile.

Ted (2 days)

TedChip Tooth